***All other memberships (college, United Healthcare Renew Active/One Pass or Walking Memberships) need to be completed in person.
More Than A Membership
We don't just sell memberships, we build relationships. Different people choose to be Y members for different reasons. It may be our comfortable exercise environment, our commitment to quality, or our great family atmosphere. Many join the Y in search of something greater than themselves.
They want to participate in our broader mission.
Our Child Watch Program
The strength of our organization allows us to serve at-risk children and youth, from the very young in our Child Watch program to teens who need a safe place to go after school. Thousands of community members walk through our doors and find a value system that infuses caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility in all Y programs and services. This reinforces the same values many instill in their children, their home, and their lives.
Find Your Peace
In today's busy world, it's easy to lose sight of what's important. Your time at the Y is valuable and we work hard to help you achieve that balance between a healthy spirit, mind and body. But this connection doesn't just happen in our classes. The camaraderie that's found in Y centers is refreshing. You feel a sense of belonging and new friendships are formed. This ability to connect with people gives a lift to your spirit just as much as any yoga class.
People have many different reasons for choosing the Y, but each one is ultimately fulfilled by our mission to serve. In simplest terms, we are an organization made up of good people who do
good things.
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility Y volunteers give men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life the resources and support they need to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. Volunteer to teach a class, lead on the board of directors, coach a team, or extend a helping hand to a person wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. The Y is a one of a kind non-profit. Take an active role in strengthening your community. Apply to volunteer today!