
Attention: Our hours of operation have changed, please use the following link for more info. More Info

Y Club Afterschool Enrichment Program
January 23, 2023

Y Club Afterschool Enrichment Program

The Y Club Afterschool Program is for any child in grades K-5 in the Kirksville R-III School District. In this licensed program, children receive homework help from professional teachers, along with a healthy afternoon snack, and participate in a fun variety of activities in a safe, nurturing environment.

Who: Children in grades K-5

When: Monday-Friday from the end of the school day until 5:30pm


  • Grades K-2 - Kirksville Primary School
  • Grades 3-5 - Ray Miller Elementary


  • Members - $100/month
  • Non-members: $150/month

Register at any time during the school year for the current year. Registration for the next school year will be announced during the summer.

Individuals must register in person at the YMCA

Daily Activities
  • Super Snack (This nutritious after school snack includes meat or meat alternative, whole grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk.)
  • Scheduled Homework Time
  • Organized Physical Activity
  • Creative Arts and Music
  • Special Guest Educators
  • Fun with Friends

We follow the Kirksville R-III School District schedule for holidays and days off.